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Check out our current fundraisers!

We are always in need of your help.

Each year, we receive new intakes who are either rehabilitated and released, or become a resident at Red Wolf Sanctuary. These animals need a lifetime of care and that includes food, water, shelter, vet care and maintenance to their homes. 

A Cincinnati Zoo Acadamey Student is raising money for Red Wolf Sanctuary as his senior capstone project!

RWS ZA student flyer.PNG
The Cincinnati Zoo Academy was established in 1976 as a vocational program for young individuals who are aspiring to work in the animal field. It has evolved into a full college preparatory program with educational courses and hands-on lab experiences. Each student will get the chance to work on a capstone project, and this year, a student chose to create a fundraiser to support us as his project!

His goal is to raise $500 for Red Wolf Sanctuary and you can help him succeed by scanning the QR code above to donate or submitting a donation at this link below, with a memo saying it's for "ZA Student Fundraiser".  The fundrasier will go from March 1st to May 1st, and all donations will help us reach our goal. We thank you for your support for both us and this inspired student. 

Current Fundraisers:

Proceeds from this campaign support the general care of all our rehab and resident animals. 

Our resident animals can be found under our "RESIDENT ANIMALS" tab. 

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